Burnout-proof your business with your own signature program...

so you can do what you love and help more people while creating more free time, flexibility, and financial success for yourself.

Burnout-proof your business with your own signature program...

so you can do what you love and help more people while creating more free time, flexibility, and financial success for yourself.


You love the idea of having your own business...

Helping the people you're meant to help, making your own rules, setting your own schedule—it's all so great.

Except for one tiny little thing...

you're not actually experiencing the freedom and flexibility you thought your business would bring you.

If you're like most wellness pros with a dream to help people and make money doing it, you can’t quite seem to figure out how to turn your passion into the profitable business you know it can be—at least not without it requiring tons of time and energy from you.

You're working to fill your calendar with clients, but it's a challenge. It's not as easy as you thought it would be to find the number of clients you need to make the income you were expecting. Not to mention, the clients you do have—as much as you love them—require a lot of time and energy from you.

Let's face it. It's exhausting. You wanted to be your own boss for a reason—to make your own schedule, have more free time, and uncap your income potential. But, as of right now, that seems just like a magical, far-off fantasy. 

If you're like most of my clients, you love the work you do, but you know there has to be a better way to help the people you're meant to help without it feeling so limiting (and kinda draining, if we're being honest).

Your business shouldn't come at the expense of your cortisol levels.

At this point, maybe you're thinking,

"There's gotta be a better way." 

  • A way for you to help the people you're meant to help without it taking more time and energy away from you
  • A way for you to have the business of your dreams and also have time for yourself, your family, and your own self-care
  • A way for you to make money that isn't directly tied to the hours that you work

A way to burnout-proof your business.

If I'm speaking your language right now, you're not alone. It's a common spot to be in as a heart-centered wellness pro—knowing you're meant to help people, but also being protective of your own time, energy, health, and self-care.

Wanting to be of service, but also wanting time and financial freedom for yourself.

Needing your business (ahem, bank account) to grow but being unwilling to sacrifice more of your time to make it happen.

The truth is, if you don't find a way to help more people without it taking more time from you, your business and income level simply can't grow.

You'll stay stuck in a pattern of trading your time for dollars, spinning your wheels trying to find enough clients to pay your bills, and working more and more hours to make it all happen.

Wait, hold up—

There IS a way to have it all.

Which of these sound like you?
While you love your clients and work, you’re burnt out from 1:1 sessions and need another way to make an income for your sanity’s sake.
You're ready to start your business and do great things, but you already know the 1:1 client model isn't for you. Your business goals include working less and making more, not the other way around.
You have big dreams of making a real impact in the world, but also...INTROVERT 🙋‍♀️. There has to be a way to help people without it being so energetically draining.
You started your own business to have more freedom and flexibility, yet you’re still spending more time attached to your computer than out living your life.
Finding enough 1:1 clients to make the money you need to make has been challenging to say the least. You need a more profitable approach and fast.
You know you need multiple income streams to truly make this business work, but don't have the time or mental capacity to figure it all out on your own.
Which of these sound like you?
While you love your clients and work, you’re burnt out from 1:1 sessions and need another way to make an income for your sanity’s sake.
You're ready to start your business and do great things, but you already know the 1:1 client model isn't for you. Your business goals include working less and making more, not the other way around.
You have big dreams of making a real impact in the world, but also...INTROVERT 🙋‍♀️. There has to be a way to help people without it being so energetically draining.
You started your own business to have more freedom and flexibility, yet you’re still spending more time attached to your computer than out living your life.
Finding enough 1:1 clients to make the money you need to make has been challenging to say the least. You need a more profitable approach and fast.
You know you need multiple income streams to truly make this business work, but don't have the time or mental capacity to figure it all out on your own.
The Secret To A Burnout-Proof Business

Let’s be real:

Most wellness pros are protective of their time, energy, and stress levels (and rightfully so).

And, it's no secret that 1-on-1 clients will always require more time and energy from you. If you ever want to make more money, that means you're working more hours and spending more time away from the people and things you love.

So then, how can you expect to have the freedom, flexibility, and income you want if you don't create an income stream that isn't directly tied to your time?

Imagine turning your knowledge and experience into a digital program that immediately frees up your time and energy, no matter how many people you help.

Just imagine what it'll be like to...

 ✔️ Be the boss of your own calendar and decide when your work day starts and ends, how long your summer vacation will be this year, and how many VIP clients you’ll take on (if any)

✔️ Add a scalable paid offer to your business that your dream clients are thrilled to participate in while being simple and doable for you.

✔️ Get the clarity you need in your business to stay consistent and committed. No more wishy-washiness, throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, or ghosting your business for months. 

✔️ Focus on a long-term, profitable business model that didn’t take years to create simply because you followed one clear strategy that cut through the overwhelm and built momentum.

✔️ Dial in your systems, processes, and offers so you can fully step into the role of “entrepreneur with a coaching business” with ease and confidence,

Yes, it's actually possible...


A schedule that leaves you burnt out, exhausted, unfulfilled, and energetically drained


A completely open calendar so you can spend your time the way you want


Relying on one income stream (that's dependent on your time) to pay your bills


Creating an income stream that exponentially increases your revenue while you work fewer hours


Helping one person at a time even though you know you can make a bigger impact


Helping a group of people at one time while also providing a safe, effective space for your clients to get results

Signature programs are the best way to do what you love and help more people while also creating more free time, flexibility, and financial success for yourself.


Hey there, I'm Shawn!

When I’m not hiking with my pups, drinking a little too much coffee, or cooking up a tasty meal in the kitchen (gluten-free, of course), I’m tucked into my home office helping hundreds of wellness pros build the profitable, impactful business of their dreams. 

I developed the Signature Program Bundle to help coaches and practitioners like you turn their knowledge, passion, and experience into a signature program so they can help more people and make more money while working less and prioritizing their own time, space, energy, and "life stuff."

As a former holistic nutritionist + mindset coach myself, I'm a big believer in making wellness resources available to the masses so more people can feel empowered around their physical, mental, and emotional health instead of relying on outdated information or Dr. Google.

Let’s be honest, the world would be a better place if everyone had a coach in their life.

The online business world has made this a real possibility by allowing coaches to make their services available to more than one person at a time through a signature program.

I love showing wellness business owners what's possible when they stop thinking small and start thinking impactful—no hustle, long hours, or icky marketing tactics required!

And I’m thrilled to introduce you to my one-of-a-kind signature program-building system!

"I've attracted a highly engaged email list of over 250 leads, tripled my social media following, and sold out me beta-launch in under 4 hours!"
“If you are tired of playing by the "rules" that leave you feeling burned out and depleted — and you're longing to design a business that actually embodies the wellness principles you teach to clients, then you must work with Shawn! Just as we do with our clients, we wellness entrepreneurs also need someone to encourage that spark inside of us that's saying, "I can do this!" and help us find our footing as we start creating our own path. Shawn is that empathetic, confident, knowledgable, and encouraging guide. Since joining, I've gained sooo much confidence - and I've attracted a highly engaged email list of over 250 leads (starting from almost scratch) and built out my first online course that I'm about to launch - oh, and I broke through my fear of video, tripled my social media following and got booked on two podcasts without even trying, just because I started putting myself out there. And, I sold out my beta-launch in under 4 hours! So yeah, I can't say enough good things about working with Shawn!

– Anna H., Chronic Pain Recovery Therapist + Coach, @anna_holtzman


The most comprehensive, proven system to successfully plan, build, launch, and sell your very own digital program so you can help more people, have more free time, and make more money.

I’ve Worked With Hundreds Of Wellness Coaches, Practitioners, and Experts
  • Coaches who have struggled to gain traction in their business even though they’re attempting to post on social media and trying to keep up with the constantly changing business advice.
  • Coaches tired of wasting their precious time and energy on all the wrong things that are getting them nowhere and are ready to hit the “easy button” to build the business they want.
  • Coaches that are on the verge of burnout—between business, life, family, and their own self-care—and need a new approach fast, before they wind up in the fetal position on the bathroom floor with nothing left to give.


  • Coaches that—even though they’ve had some false starts and setbacks—still know they’re meant to do more than be stuck at a job they don’t love or in a business model that isn’t right for them

And the result of this work is…

The easy-to-follow methods inside the Signature Program Lab that walks you step-by-step through a streamlined process to build your scalable, profitable signature program and a warm audience of "perfect fit" clients who are excited and ready to buy!
Here's A Sneak Peak!

Got a lot of random ideas but having trouble making sense of them?

Know you want your own signature program but can't land on a topic?

Have the perfect signature program idea but worried it won't be successful?

Not anymore! 

The Dream It module is where you’ll get that bulletproof foundation for building your program with total clarity and confidence. By the time you’re finished with Module 1, you’ll have a profitable program topic you’re excited about and proof that your program will be a success with your audience and achieve your income goals.

  • Determine the most impactful AND profitable topic for your signature program that will immediately get your dream client’s attention
  • Create your Signature Statement so you're clear on who, specifically, your program helps
  • Generate revenue (aka money in the bank!) before you put any time, effort, and energy into actually building your program
  • Set the price point of your program so you can achieve your income goals and get paid what you’re worth (without having to wait until you have a bigger audience)
  • Get proof of concept for your program before you start creating it so you know it will be a success from the start
  • Decide on a program creation timeline using the Brainstorm-To-Beta Launch Planners and get your weekly tasks organized so you stay on track

Now that you’ve laid your program foundation with a solid topic, income goals, and proof-of-concept, it’s time to create your program framework and watch it come to life!  

Most of the “stuckness” around program creation happens when there are too many random thoughts and ideas and not enough organization to make sense of it all. But, as soon as you can take those ideas and turn them into a solid outline for your program, you gain real momentum.

Now that you can see the vision and the journey you’ll take your clients on, you will be motivated to make it happen!

  • Create a foolproof system to position yourself as the expert in your topic and stand out in your industry (even if it’s already saturated!)
  • Break down the journey that you’re going to take your dream clients on into small, actionable, digestible steps.
  • Determine the key ingredients of your program that will make it stand out from the crowd and have your dream clients begging to work with you
  • Design your Signature Framework that will ensure your program is unique to you and stands out in your industry
  • Determine the structure, organization, and flow for your program that works for both you and your clients

You’ve laid your program foundation and gotten your ideas organized and flowing, now it’s time to beautify it!

There's nothing worse than creating an amazing program to share with the world that's, well...ugly.

Nope, not here. The DESIGN IT! module is here to make sure your signature program is branded and beautiful so it’s eye-catching, professional, and on brand for your business.

  • Design your program’s branding and logo so you have a beautiful, professional program that will draw your dream clients into your work
  • Decide on a name for your program that lets your dream client know you created it for them
  • Choose the colors and fonts that best represent your program and the experience your dream client will have
  • Design your logo using your well-thought out branding

Things are about to get REAL! This is where the rubber meets the road and your program’s foundation, framework, and design all come together to make your program a reality. 

Specifically designed to be an “overwhelm-free zone,” the BUILD IT module makes building the contents of your program fun, simple, and organized.

When you’re finished with this module, you’ll be happy dancing to your fave Beyonce song because you will OFFICIALLY have in your *virtual* hands your very own signature program!

  • Chunk up your action items into doable steps and schedule them out accordingly to keep it stress-free and fun instead of overwhelming.
  • Bring your program to life using video, audio, and written lessons with complete, step-by-step tutorials on how to record, edit, and upload your content 
  • Design branded, professional PDF's to accompany your program content and provide extra value to your clients (tech tutorial included)
  • Build out your clean, organized, user-friendly program in your online portal (tech tutorials included)

Hold up, dancing machine, we’re not done yet! While building your program is a big deal and deserves a celebration, it doesn’t end there.

Welcome to the most important step of the program-creation journey, the OFFER IT module. Why? Because without an offer, you can't make any sales!

Having something to sell is a lot different than actually selling it. And, as much as we’d all love it, people aren’t going to magically start throwing money at you just because you now have a digital product. Let’s get them excited and on board by creating a no-brainer irresistible offer they can’t refuse!

  • Build out all 5 components of your irresistible offer so you’ll have people lining up to get into your program without ever having to “sell”
  • Decide on the pricing structure of your Signature Program
  • Effectively communicate the value of the program so your dream clients are begging to work with you
  • Decide on bonuses, incentives, and guarantees to make your dream client's decision even easier
  • Set up your checkout page, thank you page, and welcome email sequence so your clients have a great experience while signing up for your program (tech tutorial included)

This is where things get fun—really fun. Because in the LAUNCH IT module, you get your hands on the hottest, time-tested launch strategies and processes that the coaches you look up to are using to establish themselves as experts in their industry and hit their revenue goals with ease.


Once you complete the LAUNCH IT module, you’ll have successfully completed your first program launch without frustration, overwhelm, or the “What the heck do I do next?” spiral.

  • Develop a customized and organized launch plan and promotional strategy that feels good to you so you can confidently share about your program and attract the right people to your work
  • Set up your workshop as a free event to kick off your launch that will turn lurkers into buyers while also building your email list and audience
  • Keep you organized, planned out, and on track to reach your launch date with complete clarity on what you should be doing every step of the way
  • Write and schedule your launch emails using the email templates provided
  • Get unique ideas to build your audience with dream clients as you're preparing to launch
  • Build out the entire launch flow in your online portal so you can sit back and relax come launch week (tech tutorials included)
"As someone who has only ever done 1:1's, it was beyond exciting to have 8 people join my beta-group!"

“Within 4 months of joining SPL, I went from no tech knowledge and barely using Instagram to having a beta group of 8 people for my first signature program and actually enjoying content creation. Creating an online program has been so exciting and much easier than I expected. Shawn is so detail-oriented and clear with all of the steps you need to create an online program so it takes out all the guesswork and makes it a fun process. Seriously- no tech knowledge or experience required. She has helped me so much and answered so many of my questions along the way. The Signature Program Lab has far exceeded my expectations. My business has changed in ways I never imagined. I am having a greater impact on more people (compared to my one-on-one sessions) while working more flexible hours.”

- Allesanda Tolomei, orthopedic massage therapist, @unwind_mindbodysoul


When you join Signature Program Lab, you get immediate and lifetime access to:

  • Go-at-your-own-pace video lessons guiding you through my proven systems to create a profitable signature program and engaged email list so that you feel clear and confident on your next steps throughout the entire process
  • A complete video tutorial library with over 20+ step-by-step tech tutorials saving you hours of time and ensuring you'll never get caught up in a tech frustration spiral again
  • 60-page digital program planner to walk you through every step of the process so you never miss an important piece to the program creation puzzle
  • Multiple program creation calendars and planners to choose from so you stay organized and on track with the program creation timeline that works for you
  • A proven launch system to get your program out into the world so you never have to stress about spreading the word and making sales
  • 40-page webinar slide deck with prompts to make planning and executing your free launch event seamless and stress-free
  • A private online community full of like-minded program creators to get feedback, answers, guidance, and friendship during your program creation process and beyond
  •  LIFETIME ACCESS to all course materials, LIVE Q&A calls, private community, future course additions, updates, and bonus offerings



$500 value

No more staring at the blinking cursor with no clue what to write in your launch emails. 

That’s my *pinky swear* promise to you.

Not knowing what to say in your emails should never be the reason you don’t get your program off the ground and making money. 

Which is why I’m granting you exclusive access to the exact emails I’ve used to sell out my programs, saving you literally WEEKS of time. Feel confident and comfortable marketing your program via email without feeling annoying and get more dream clients filling up your program with emails that authentically connect and convert.



Got a question during your program-building journey?

Need some help figuring out a tech snafu?

Want feedback on your program content?

No need to go down the Google rabbit hole or pull your hair out in a tech frustration spiral!

Just head into the private Signature Program Lab community and get the answers you need and the feedback you want asap. Plus, an extra dose of the support and encouragement you need to stay motivated from your fellow program creators! 


$400 value

Congrats—your program is built, your irresistible offer is created, and your launch plan is underway! But, ummm…how do you plan on making sales? 

If you have a paid offer in your business, you MUST have a sales page. And, while the task of writing a sales page is usually so daunting and overwhelming that business owners try to skip the step entirely (and never make any sales because of it), I’ve done the heavy lifting for you so you can get your sales page up and running in an hour or two. *cha-ching* 

The “Non-Sleazy” Sales Page course has a done-for-you sales page template with proven copywriting techniques, and 50+ high-converting writing prompts that don’t feel “sales-y” or pushy. Plus, a step-by-step tech tutorial on how to build the back-end of your sales page, so you bypass the “tech frustration spiral” entirely.

"I enrolled 20 clients into my beta-group and made $15,000 in a week!"

“Being a part of the Signature Program Lab was a total game-changer for me. When I started, I had no email list, no social media strategy, and no paid offer other than taking a few 1-on-1 clients. With 3 small kids at home, there was no way I could build the business I wanted without another income stream. The step-by-step instruction in SPL makes it SO easy to create a program you’re proud of. Within 3 months, I had built both my program AND my email list. I ended up enrolling 20 clients into my beta-group and made $15,000 in a week!"

– Rachel M., functional medicine practitioner + gut health expert @rootandritualfxmed


Cash-flow friendly


for 12 months


Pay in full + save $271!


one-time investment



We’re passionate about helping you build your signature program and want to make it as easy as humanly possible for you to confidently say “Heck, yes!” to a more profitable, impactful business.

Enter the “Get Your Program Up And Running” Guarantee

Take 90 days to watch the pre-recorded videos and tutorials, complete the signature program planner, and get your questions answered in the private community. Apply my complete SPL process to your program and business. If, after that, you don’t make your investment back during the launch of your program, simply email [email protected] with your completed work, and I’ll happily refund your payment in full. 

What Members Are Saying:
"This program basically gave me a 7-year shortcut."

“I am so much farther along than I would ever be on my own. My gosh, you basically gave me a 7-year shortcut! I can’t even believe this is the same business or I am the same person. Such a transformation. I truly feel like I’m on my path to living my dream life."  

– Trisha B., Social Business Expert + Advocate, trishabaileyphd

"I know I wouldn't have been able to do all of this without SPL."

“Shawn, you have made everything so easy and understandable. I appreciate you for going the extra mile to give us ALL the tools you use to build your programs. I know I wouldn't have been able to do this all without SPL. 

This program will be SOOO HELPFUL to all the entrepreneurs who are looking to make a big step in their business and create their very own signature program without the stress that comes with it. After seeing the whole process, creating a group program isn't so scary after all."

 — Joanna C., Mindset Coach, @hicoachjojo

"SPL was soooo worth the investment and has already saved me countless hours."

"SPL was everything I didn't know I needed. It was soooo worth the investment and has already saved me countless hours. I would be years behind without the support of SPL."

–Angie M. - Career Coach, @getajobwithangie

You’re ready to build your own profitable, impactful signature program if…
You’re a wellness coach, practitioner, or expert, and you want to help more people in a meaningful way—preferably without a looming case of burnout.
You’re just starting your business and want to set yourself up for success right out of the gates by using a foolproof, proven system to create a passive, scalable income stream for your business.
You’ve been trying to build your coaching business for months (or even years) but still haven’t reached your desired income level, even though you’ve been doing all the things you keep hearing you “need” to be doing.
You already know who you want to help. Sure, you’ll get more clarity as you go through Signature Program Lab, but, for the most part, you know your niche and how you want to serve your dream clients.
You have (or want) your own online business — that “work from anywhere” life is calling you, plus how cool to connect easily with clients all over the world.
You’re motivated to make your business profitable. You’re done trying to DIY your business and ready to take it to the next level with confidence because you’re following a clear plan and strategy from someone who’s been in your shoes.
You’re willing to spend a few hours each week on your signature program because you know the time and energy you invest now means having a profitable income stream and a more flexible schedule in the near future.
And… You feel confident test driving the Signature Program Bundle with no risk: Let’s spend the next 90 days together turning your knowledge and experience into a profitable, impactful signature program, and unless I make good on my promise to help you create a new income stream, then shoot me an email, and we’ll process the refund.
You’re ready to build your own profitable, impactful signature program if…
You’re a wellness coach, practitioner, or expert, and you want to help more people in a meaningful way—preferably without a looming case of burnout.
You’re just starting your business and want to set yourself up for success right out of the gates by using a foolproof, proven system to create a passive, scalable income stream for your business.
You’ve been trying to build your coaching business for months (or even years) but still haven’t reached your desired income level, even though you’ve been doing all the things you keep hearing you “need” to be doing.
You already know who you want to help. Sure, you’ll get more clarity as you go through Signature Program Lab, but, for the most part, you know your niche and how you want to serve your dream clients.
You have (or want) your own online business — that “work from anywhere” life is calling you, plus how cool to connect easily with clients all over the world.
You’re motivated to make your business profitable. You’re done trying to DIY your business and ready to take it to the next level with confidence because you’re following a clear plan and strategy from someone who’s been in your shoes.
You’re willing to spend a few hours each week on your signature program because you know the time and energy you invest now means having a profitable income stream and a more flexible schedule in the near future.
Get Your Questions Answered!

Cash-flow friendly


for 12 months


Pay in full + save $271!


one-time investment


By now, you already know the biggest difference between a profitable, freedom-filled coaching business and one that comes with a looming case of burnout all comes down to…

Adding a scalable signature program.

So, let’s wrap up with a bit of real talk.

  • If you’re a coach, practitioner, or expert who’s struggling to make a full-time income in your business, the Signature Program Lab is perfect for you.
  • If packing your calendar full of 1:1 clients to make ends meet doesn’t sound possible or desirable, the Signature Program Lab is perfect for you.
  • If you’re confused by all the conflicting information in the online business space, and it’s keeping you from taking real action, the Signature Program Lab is perfect for you.
  • If you’ve done the math on how many clients it will take to hit your monthly income goals—not to mention the extra time spent on discovery calls, paperwork, and inbox management that comes with it—and realize it’s not adding up, the Signature Program Lab is perfect for you.
  • If you value your time, energy, and health and refuse to get into a place of burnout with your business, the Signature Program Lab is perfect for you.